International Cello Classes 

The Cello Biennale Amsterdam is a ten-day international music festival focusing on everything cello-related. With over a hundred events taking place in every nook and cranny of the BIMHUIS and the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, the Cello Biennale Amsterdam is the place-to-be and a source of inspiration for cellists and music lovers from around the world. For cello students is the Cello Biënnale Amsterdam a unique event where you can hear, see and meet in 10 days more cellists and repertoire than in 2 years in your own city. Soloists and teachers from international conservatories are invited to bring their cello classes to the Cello Biennale Amsterdam.

We want to offer these international cello students attractive benefits. On this page you will find more information about concert tickets, affordable lodging (including meals), student concerts and masterclasses by the many international soloists/pedagogues who are present. 

Concert Tickets + lunch and diner

Conservatory students can buy a day pass for 50 euros. This includes vouchers for lunch and dinner at the festival location and acces to all concerts during the daytime. A minimum of two days is required.

On top of that, students can buy tickets for the concerts in the evening for 10 euros. You have to choose between a concert in the main hall or the two Cellofest concerts in the BIMHUIS.

You can make your choice in the application form below.

Students concerts & Masterclasses

Students who accompany their teacher can give a 50-minute concert in the BIMHUIS or the Kleine Zaal in consultation with the Cello Biennale.
The program and date of the concert are determined in consultation with the teacher.

In consultation with the teacher, 2 or 3 students can also be selected to actively participate in one of the thirteen Masterclasses by one of the many international soloists/pedagogues

Lodging at Stayokay Amsterdam Oost

The Cello Biennale offers extra affordable rooms in Stayokay Amsterdam Oost, a very central hostel near to the festival. It is just a 10-minute bike ride to the Muziekgebouw and a lot cheaper than other nearby options. You will share a two- or four-person room with its own facilities. The price is €55,- per person, including breakfast.

Website Stayokay

How to apply

All students can apply for affordable lodging and meals by filling in the form below before September 1st 2024:

Application form 

Besides this, one student will represent each class of students. 

The representative should contact Sander de Jong (festival production Cello Biennale) and provide the following information:

  • Names of all students who will be coming, so we can double check if every student as filled in the form.
  • Program for the "Students around the World" concert (max. 50 minutes music)
  • Contact information of the masterclass participants recommended by the teacher and the piece he/she want to work on during the masterclass.